But here I sit, suffering from writer’s block of the worst sort...... I have a mass of words that won’t string together into actual sentences, and a bunch of jumbled thoughts. Chaos in life tends to do that to you I suppose...
So, as a remedy, I gave up my previous topic & I have baby goat pictures!
Yea, yea, I know that’s cheating….but my last post, I left everyone hanging so now y’all get to meet the newest babies here in the land of Noodle. Plus we all know I have a tendency to get overly wordy anyways, so pictures are a great substitute.. Haha
As mentioned in my previous post, momma & I made a road trip to go pick up goats… The original plan was to get a single doeling. Then I was offered her dam, Ginger, a beautiful 8 year old doe who has moved quite a bit in her life and I think she prefers her old Idaho home to her hot west Texas home… In addition to those 2, I was also offered the doeling’s half sister who was a tiny lil' thing, half the size of her twin, with the cutest lil chocolate nose & dished face…
So one, turned into three, and by the time we got up there, we ended up loading a total of 4 goats into my car (Yes, I did say FOUR). Which, BTW was a sight, as I drive a lil Dodge Nitro and hauling 2 humans, 3 goat kids and one adult doe is not what my car was designed for!!
First up is MY baby….. Her name is Heidi and she is the daughter of Ginger, born March 15, 2012 and is just tooo sweet. Quiet, mellow and loves to snuggle in my lap…. It did not take her long to establish her place as my favorite.. This girl is LONG and just beautiful, I can not wait to see how she matures.
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My sweet, fuzzy Heidi, not quite 2 weeks old |
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Shayla & Heidi |
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Miss Attitude - AKA Cookie :) |
#4 was unplanned, and I swore I’d never buy a Nubian, but once I saw her I had to have her…
This long eared beauty is Daisy… I wasn’t going to mention her because shortly after bringing her home we lost her in a sad accident… But she was so sweet, and too pretty not to at least give her mention. The smallest of quads, she wormed her way into our hearts very quickly… RIP Daisy.
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R.I.P Sweet Daisy |
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Rose - Born March 6, 2012 Rose enjoying pecan leaves after winning "Queen of the Mountain" |
She is a character and very much the love bug. In the beginning she was LOUD and I kind of wondered if I had made a mistake…. But my lil Alpines seem to be a good influence on her and if anything she’s quieter than Cookie.
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My view from above the lambar bucket... Lil' chunks are going though 9 quarts of milk per day! |
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Cookie headed for the top of the stairs.. |
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Nothing better than baby goat snuggles |
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The trio impatiently waiting for their lambar.. |
The loss of Astra, and all the plans/hopes she represented really hit me hard. I'm without an Alpine buck for this year and I feel like I'm having to start at square one all over again... But these 3 lil ones give me a bit of hope and a chance to try again......
It's hard when things don't go according to plan, and I hate losing animals, but I guess we have to take the good with the bad, and it all works out in the end! Good luck and hope your mom is doing well!
Yes, it is hard...... Astra was by far the hardest.... But when life kicks you in the teeth, you buy dentures and go on :)
Mom is staying with me now.... The docs have been a pain.... Lost samples, rescheduling appointments.... Just hectic. Still no actual diagnosis, but hopefully we'll know what type of leukemia she has once the results from her 2nd bone marrow biopsy are back in.
Thank you!!! Just another week or so before my 1st Lamancha kids are due! Can not wait to see them!
Hopefully luck is on our side & there is a buck for you & a doe for me!! ;)
So, ahem. We have 5 bucklings this year so far! You ought to come doen and pick one up...or 4 if we can talk you into it! :)
Sorry to hear about your trials lately. Life can really throw you around sometimes but it sounds like you are staying on your feet.
So even though you knew better, you got a Nubian. ;) So sorry about Daisy, those kinds of things are the hardest. Still, you got quite a haul and a beautiful one at that! Congrats on all your new additions. Things can only go up from here. :)
P.S. I will have some Kinder kids coming up soon!
You can't go wrong with baby goats to keep your readers entertained.
I'm apalled that anyone would say your readers are going to leave because of sporadic posting. I, for one, understand that your life is extra-hectic right now and hope you don't put too much pressure on yourself to blog at a certain rate! Take care of yourself and your family. When you get time to blog, we LOVE hearing from you! In the meantime, focus on the present. :-)
Oh, sweet baby goat therapy! Sorry to hear about your little daisy - we lost a goat recently, too, and it's a hard thing to deal with. Glad you have all those babies to snuggle, and thanks for sharing your pictures of them.
Marissa, don't tempt me!!! Haha This year, I may just be traveling to get my girls bred.... Found a nice Ch buck only 3 hours from me, so I may go that route.... Figure I'll cross that bridge when I get to it, lol And if I don't figure it out, then I'll use Tonka for earless mutts! Err, I mean "Expirementals" :)
Leigh..... I know, I know....... I knew better.... But seriously...... Look at those freaking adorable ears!!!! Plus, I think the Alpines are a good influence on her in the racket/neediness department, so perhaps she won't be like the Nubians I had ages ago.......
Thankfully I found anice PB buck near by, so I can get by with just having 1 with PB kids to sell ;)
How long before your Kinders are due to arrive?? Can't wait to see them!!!!! Hope you get doelings!
Swamp dog- So happy my grappling for something to post worked! :)lol
Michelle, I could just hug you!!! Thank you!
Jaime, Im so sorry you recently lost one if your babies..... This has been my year for losses & it doesn't get any easier :( Baby goat therapy helps quite a bit though ;)
I've enjoyed ready your blog...you are full of witt: ) love it...sorry about your Daisy..Im Nubian lover: ) have several.They are by far the mouthiest breed of goat..but can be so funny. We also have Saanen and Lamancha..got bucks in all three breeds if need : )..a few Lamancha does too..so cute..my fav breed...
Im adding your mom on my prayer list..Im so sorry she is going through this..blessing on your family..keep up the blogging..its wonderful therapy too...adorable pix..I just love the babies..
I'm so glad you're back! I've been waiting for you. :) Also keeping you and your family in prayer.
Aww thanks so much Patty, I'm going to try and get better about posting at least on a semi regular schedule :)
Thanks for stopping by Happy Bleats, & thanks so much for the kind words :) As for the Nubian..... I must say, I do love THIS Nubian...... she's a mellow lil love bug & she's got enough backbone to hold her own against two Alpines (Cookie is a big enough Tyrant to make up for 4 goats, lol).
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