I missed the smell of her overly sweet coffee (usually her 7th or 8th cup, lol) while I sat in the barn with laboring does.....There was no excited chatter about what may be coming and there wasn’t an extra set of hands and reassurance in the more stressful times. My first kidding season without her, and I missed her dearly. I had hoped that as time passed her absence would be easier to bear, but the reality of it all is the void she left behind will never be filled.
On that note, I made some rather large changes this year. I will no longer be raising Alpines. I grew up with the breed and have really enjoyed them, but going through my mother’s goat book with all of our Alpine plans is painful. You would think I’d want to continue on with all we had talked about, but the reality is, I have no desire to do it without her.
So, all the Alpine kids were sold; a total of 2 doelings, 4 bucklings and 2 grown does.
Bleuberry, my big silly goober who has starred in her own post more than once here on my blog, stays. She’s a rotten mess with an affinity for biting strangers all while doing her fabulous “devil goat” impersonation, so I just couldn’t part with her.
When one chapter ends, another must always begin……. Though I can’t believe I’m saying it, we have more Nubians! Years ago I owned a few… HATED them! Loud, obnoxious, dumb, annoying animals who didn’t produce worth a flip. Sold them and swore I’d never, ever do that again! But, ya know what they say about never saying never…
Last year we bought my daughter a little Nubian doeling for her 7th birthday. Miss Rosie changed my once foul opinion on Nubians. She’s quiet, calm, easy going, sweet as pie and smart. Nothing ever phases this goat and she’s very happy to go along with whatever you’d like her to do.
Rosie was bred to TLC Farms Mr. Beau Jangles and kidded on March 8th with a big, beautiful red roan buck kid and a very feminine, sweet blue roan doeling…
Typically I get rid of extra buck kids quickly, but this lil guy is such a handsome man, we decided to keep him as a companion to the buck kid we reserved..
Which brings us to Roco:
And of course I had some lovely Lamancha kids born too, but my keeper kid from that batch is so stinking cute, she deserves her very own post!
Until next time… Happy kidding to those of y’all who aren’t finished yet… While y’all camp out with your does, I am very thankful for my nights of uninterrupted sleep.
So sad to read about ur momma passing I had no idea. Sad that ur out of Alpines, we have an Alpine from you, miss Mona and she is such a good milker we really love her. but I understand not wanting to keep them with ur momma gone. :( You're new nubians are so pretty, I love the ears! Maybe I can get a doe kid from u next year? :) O ya, this is Angela from Brownwood btw :)
What?! Did you sell ths Lamanchas too??? The Nubians are cute but u have to have Lamanchas!
Angela, hi!! So good to hear Mona is still doing well for you, she was such a sweet girl :)
Anonymous, NO!! lol No way would I get rid of my Lamanchas.... I absolutely adore them :) In fact, they are really my primary focus... I couldn't have 3 breeds...The kiddos & hubby really love the Nubians, so selling the Alpines also gave the room for the long eared beauties and I can still keep on a truckin' with my Lamanchas.
If for some reason I could only have one breed of dairy goat, hands down I'd choose my Munchies ;) I really can't say enough good things about the breed :)
So funny. I had all Nubians, including a 2 gal a day doe, but they were such drama queens I couldn't stand it anymore and got rid of all of them, including the new buck and kept little Annie, the alpine. She got accidentally bred and Shugars has the Nubie ears, so maybe I will have the best of both worlds now :)
Austin's kids here aren't due until May, and both does are as big as a barn already. I saw the one little Alpine, but no other, So tell me: what colors did you get?
Petey that is exactly how my first Nubians were!!! I simply could not stand them!! I can't explain how surprised I am by Rosie's perfect disposition....She is the exact opposite of what I had before :) Will definitely cull based on temperament and hopefully I won't end up with animals like I had before :)
Noeskimo, if you check my previous post I have pictures of 4 of Austin's kids..... When I need him to Bleuberry who is plain chamoisee with no white I got a doeling with large white splashes & a wildly colored buck kid. Ginger gave me a Cou Blanc & a Cou Claire with a white poll. Heidi's kids were the same except her Cou Claire doeling had a white poll & white zig zag on her nose :) Hope Austin gives you lots of pretty doelings :)
*bred him to Bleuberry, not need him to Bleuberry....Darn auto correct on my phone :-/
What beautiful babies!!! Just yesterday I got my hands on a Nubian for the first time ever. She was the sweetest thing and totally disproved all the horror stories about Nubians I've been told. I may make the leap yet!
They are so cute! Look at those ears! And those long legs! It's great you can get those action shots; what camera do you use. All my Alphie photos come out blurred, LOL.
I'm so sorry you still miss your mom so much. It's truly a tribute to how close you two were
I wanted to say too, it never occurred to me about inducing labor. Something to ponder.
Thanks Michelle! I really do adore Rosie...such a sweetie :) I see several Nubians that are typical of the stereotype, but perhaps if I select for disposition and cull the loud/needy individuals then I can enjoy them as much as I enjoy Rosie :)
Hi Leigh! Really enjoyed your latest post with the baby pictures :) As for camera...lol I've been longing for a new camera, but until I can get one, I just use my cell phone. 99.9% of the pics on my blog are cell phone pictures... Either from my old Droid X or my new Motorola Axtrix :)
Yes... Miss momma more than words can say, she was my best friend and not a day passes that I don't miss her dearly... Some days are easier than others...some are just awful :(
As for inducing..... I am so happy I have the drugs on hand for induction. Typically I prefer to let nature run its course, but sometimes nature isn't right and you need to intervene. Last year Bleu's kid was so huge we almost didn't get him out. So now I don't hesitate to induce... It's also nice that I can induce for them to kid at a time that is good for me ;)
I see what you mean about the knees. Interesting observation about them all being on Nubian kids. And the ears are a hoot, always. So long at first, just like they're legs. :)
I love all your posts but really did enjoy this one of all the new babies! I was surprised to see the comments regarding Nubian dispositions! I had 2 Nubian goats and were real sweethearts! and Great milkers too. I also had an Alpine who I loved but her bag was a bit harder to milk.
I am glad all your babies are here and you don't have anymore sleepless nights!
Hay Crystal, I love the blogs about the goats! Would really love to talk with you. My number is still the same but your's has changed. Please call.
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